#microblogmondays Halloweeening is happening

One thing I’ve learned about us is we go all out for Halloween. I might buy cupcakes for birthdays but have no problem making elaborate Halloween costumes. Rob and I do them together. I do the sewing he does the gadgetry and painting/sculpting.
The biggest thing I’ve noticed in our differencing approaches is I’m willing to sacrifice some detail to do it as cheaply and creatively as possible. Rob is an artist (and perfectionist) and would rather spend a bit more to make it perfect.
This year we are recycling parts of the Marshmallow Man for Caleb. I will need to get some white fleece to make his under suit. Simon will be his Ghostbuster. I’m making a jumpsuit. Rob is making the semi-working proton pack. Even if they don’t live it we will.
Rob says he’s not dressing up this year. But I’m making a cape so I can carry my wand from Hogsmeade.
I love Halloween.

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3 thoughts on “#microblogmondays Halloweeening is happening

  1. Ummm… “semi-working proton pack?!?!” I definitely want pictures (videos??) of THAT!

    We’re doing store-bought costumes over here. Given that Halloween isn’t even really a THING here I say that’s fine for now. I’m working on convincing Sofia that she doesn’t REALLY want to go as a princess… I should just let her, though. Sigh. Ghostbusters are cooler.

  2. I’m totally with you. I love Halloween for the costumes. I’m finishing painting two TARDIS shirts right now so the whole family can go as Doctor Who. I decided to not use my Ravenclaw robe for Halloween because it needs to be hemmed if I’m wearing it outside. Plus I like the idea of the whole family dressing up together.

    I want to see the costumes when you’re done! They sound amazing.

  3. That is so neat that both of you get into the costume making! So fun! They don’t ‘do’ Halloween here, but we aren’t letting that stop us. We have a school party every year and this year is no exception… AND this year Lids’ preschool (run by my American friend) is also having one so it is a fun-filled, busy day tomorrow. We love Halloween too! Actually Anthony is on hour ??? of working on the costume he is wearing with Esme in her carrier (two pilots and a plane.. it is going to be pretty darn cool I think). I am being a scuba diver and Lids is being the cutest little Dora the Explorer ever. All costumes we made or had the stuff to go with them around the house. Very excited! 🙂 Happy Halloween!!

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