Month 2: February 2019

Wow. February was a busy month! First - I bough an ebook about phone photography Picture Play by Jill Krause, a blogger I've followed for years and years. I'm having

Month 1: January 2019

January flew by. Some observations.We did the new years clean out and a major reorganization. Our apartment isn't exactly clean, but I'm really focusing on keeping my workspaces clear and


Stepping back in after what was too long a break. Lots of life has happened. But we are still here, getting older, and trying to love this city our

around here: week 3

Jan 14-19 Writing…my dissertation. This one will be ongoing for awhile still but I found a renewed motivation to dive deep. Resting…and remembering to practice self care. It’s so easy to go go go. We took a family nap on Sunday. Finishing…my new year’s purge and organize. For the first Continue Reading