the monday snapshot: haircut edition

Simon has beautiful hair, and lots of it. But I have finally conceded it was time for a real haircut. But I want it to stay longish and don’t trust the neighborhood barbers not to butcher it or just give him a buzz cut. We took him in July for a cut and the barber did a blunt cut across taking about 3 inches off (what we asked for) but that was it (uh really you can’t touch it up some) and charged us $15. Mom took us in Indiana in October to get a trim which took another inch off and cleaned it up. They only charged $5 AND they entertained the kid with a toy and a lollipop. In my concession that a haircut was needed, I also conceded that we were going to have to pay – and if I’m paying I’m taking him to one of the (stupid) kid’s places. Saturday was finally that day.

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Simon was mostly a little scared. He kept saying “It’s ok Simon” (his self soothing) and “I don’t want it to hurt” (which was just sweet, and sad). He was too scared to sit alone, or even in the car chair, so he sat on Rob’s lap. A Thomas video and some bubbles kept the tears away. I think he looks quite handsome, and a little older, and most importantly still looks like himself. $35 later and we walked out of the crazy that is a kids salon/toy store (seriously are all the toys necessary). And in a few months I’m sure well go back, I can do this twice a year and now that there is a cut I can follow I’ll keep it up in between.

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