#MicroblogMondays: Trials

Microblog_MondaysI’ve been going through some things. Part of it is just a really really busy stage right now. I’ve been on a plane at least once a month since April and that will continue through the end of the year. It’s a combination of fun, work, and dissertation (which I guess is work) but it’s exhausting. Speaking of my dissertation, it is really moving and I CAN actually see the end of this process.
On top of it we’ve had some family struggles which I just don’t want to post about (to all the grandparents – you already know all about it so please don’t get melodramatic). All of this means I’ve just been…quiet.

But I had to pop in for The 100th edition of #MicroblogMondays. This is ONE HUNDRED weeks of posting small and linking up, definitely something to celebrate.

I’m not sure when I’ll pop in again, but I’ll leave you with some quintessential New York City summer. We came across an open fire hydrant…and I let my kids take off the shoes and run through it.

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5 thoughts on “#MicroblogMondays: Trials

  1. Thanks for taking time to share the 100th microblog anniversary and a bit of your life. & thanks for the fire hydrant. I lived in NY my whole life until 9 years ago when we moved to NC. I told my husband the other day that the pool here would be empty. In NYC, when it’s hot, everyone goes to the beach, the pool, or is in the street running through a hydrant. Here, everyone hides inside in the a/c….. All the best… Hope to hear from you again soon!

  2. Hope everything is going okay for you! It’s good to hear from you and I hope life isn’t too crazy! (And congrats on the dissertation clicking away so nicely!!)

  3. What a beautiful wedding day. You looks so young (and you still look young- but hey, it was eight years ago!).

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