Resume Overhaul

I have always prided myself on the fact that I have a good resume. I wrote my first resume in High School, and it was simply awful by my standards today. I made that one from a template in the Career and Life Skills class that was required. In college Continue Reading

Funny Kid

So we were at this school Friday with Sesame. And we showed the video and I was asking this kid some questions about the show. The conversation went something like this: Me: What was the show about?Kid: Diego.Me: Yeah, but what was the show we just watched on the tv Continue Reading

Back to Work

This whole working thing – it’s hard work. I’ve grown accustomed to sleeping in ’til around 10, eating a breakfast type snack, checking email and blogs, sending job hunt related emails and searching online for jobs, making lunch, running a few errands, dinner, tv, and more blogging as late as Continue Reading