#microblogmondays – the sicks

I had a totally different post planned for today. But well, the best laid plans you know…


Last week was really kind of awful. I had massive computer troubles. And I got sick. Really sick, as in I actually went to urgent care after spending half of Thursday in bed. I told the doctor I had strep. He gave me a list of reasons I didn’t, but was probably some other infection. Then strep test positive. SO, with my strange presentation I got the good drugs. I spent all day Friday resting and by Saturday was able to move around without getting dizzy. I’m feeling much better.

But, of course there is a but, the kids are sick. Again. I really am lucky, and thankful that up until recently I’ve had really really healthy kids. Simon has been sick (as in needing antibiotics) seven times in his life that I can think of and two of those were pink eye, so he felt fine. And he’s really ok now, just feeling a little cruddy with a cough he’s had for a couple of months of which I’m pretty sure is the cold from Caleb’s croup, and I don’t really mind the extra snuggles. The whining I could do without, but I’m pretty sure that’s a 3 yo thing and not a sick thing.

Caleb was well until daycare at 6.5 months and I knew we’d get the general daycare crap. But the ER visit and this past week’s fever and scream fest has not made for the best of times. He has slept more than 2 hours overnight about 5 times since the ER visit. The cough still hasn’t really gone away. And last night holding his feverish little body while he nursed for over an hour was really sad. Rob is taking him to the doc today. I want them to test for strep just in case and hopefully the little man will be better soon.

As much as we are in the middle of it now, I am truly grateful that I do have mostly healthy kids because once we kick this I’m hoping we are good to go for a few months at least.

PS – new thought, wonder if the fever is teething related as C still has no teeth?!

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