A tale of two weekends: Hers

Over Memorial Day weekend Caleb and I flew to Indiana leaving Rob and Simon home to fend for themselves. We had very different weekends – and I think we’d both say we got the better deal (although I am a bit jealous of the roller coaster)

Caleb and I headed out on Friday afternoon. Our plane was on a two hour delay, which honestly was fine. The most annoying part was not just saying it was going to be that long. But we smiled at each other and did some airport walking.

IMG_1632Then we made it to my Mom’s house in time for dinner. And then the bad part happened. I had either food poisoning or a stomach virus as I proceeded to spend Friday night on the floor of the bathroom, violently ill all night. But I had mom to help with Caleb and by morning I was feeling better. But weak.

My BFF Sara and her 10 month old Kaitlyn came to visit. We scrapped our plan of meeting at a cute coffee shop (since toddlers were not with us) and instead she brought me a sprite and we hung out at Mom’s.

IMG_1634Then Emily showed up and we went to pick up her wedding dress – only to find that the seamstress forgot we were picking up and the dress alterations weren’t STARTED. They said to come back at the end of the day. We had left Caleb with Chip for the fitting. So since we now had some extra time said we were going to do some shopping and to call if Caleb was hungry (since I took no bottles on this trip) (Also, all stores are 5 minutes from home). We went to World Market and Target. Emily got some house decor. I bought a bathing suit that fits my post pardum body. We went home to feed Caleb and wait for my mom who was attending her college’s graduation. When she got back we went out for lunch (I ate a small salad and some more sprite) then went summer wardrobe shopping. There is a nice consignment store where I got three dresses, a skirt and a top. All with elastic or v-neck necklines, since nursing ability is my primary concern for clothing these days. Finally, it was time to go try on the wedding dress. Which was beautiful and done! They fixed a couple of minor things while we waited, one more try on and then home to wear it some more.

IMG_1640At the house I tried on my orange dress next to Em. And my dress is beautiful, and I loved it, and it was the fourth dress I’d purchased (the green was to casual, then changed to coral – three styles of that) but unfortunately the actual color was WAY to bright. As a standalone dress I would have kept it, but for her wedding, I needed something else. Sooooooo, back to the mall we went. Keeping in mind that it was now around 7 and I hadn’t slept the night before… We closed down Nordstrom. I tried on every dress they had in Coral. Then while trying on a different style that came in coral but was only in store in lavender, Emily says “you know, I kind of like purple for a color.” (Funny because when she got engaged two years ago she said she wanted purple.) So I asked the sales girl to bring me everything in purple. And we found it. The dress that is fancy enough to wear to the Emmy’s, but perfect for Emily’s fancy barn wedding. But I was WAAAAY to tired to buy. Instead I texted this picture to a few friends and put the dress on hold. Then we swung by the mall Willams Sonoma so I could buy her shower gift, five minutes before closing.

IMG_1623Sunday was the bridal shower. The real reason I made a quickie trip home. Mom and I drove down and went to hang out with my brother and nephew for a couple of hours first. Cy wasn’t sure what to think of Caleb being on HIS grandma’s lap or playing with HIS exersaucer. But Cy is the calmest toddler I know, and it was good.

IMG_1646 IMG_1648Then off to the shower. Where Emily was showered with a new kitchen. I think every gift was something for the kitchen.

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After the shower we drove some more to see my Mom-mom. She got to meet her third great-grandchild and we got another four generations picture. I’m hoping we’ll get a better one at Emily’s wedding in a few weeks, but this was the best I could do with back-lighting and a timer.

IMG_6750Monday mom and I shopped til we dropped. We got to the outlet mall as soon as it opened and was so glad because this place got CROWDED within a couple of hours – I had no idea that Memorial Day was a huge shopping day. We got a few things for the boys and a few more things for me (shorts, tops, a dress). Then I was DONE. So we stopped at Steak ‘N Shake for my obligatory must eat while in Indiana lunch. Then home for a rest. The final errand was heading back to Nordstrom for the dress. I returned the orange one 🙁 and am much less sad and emotional about it a week later. I tried on the purple dress one more time and Mom suggested I try it on a size smaller. Which I did – and I found that while I still have about 10 pounds to lose I’m really close to my pre-pregnancy size (only half to one size up)! So I ordered the smaller dress and it arrived the day after I got home – and fits perfectly.

IMG_1644Tuesday we flew home and it was blessedly uneventful.

I had a great girls weekend with my mom and sister and got all my shopping for the year summer done.

*His version coming next.

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One thought on “A tale of two weekends: Hers

  1. Ooh – sans the sickness, this sounds like SUCH a fun weekend!

    I’m so sad you had to return that coral dress – it really was gorgeous on you! How great that you found a fun dress to replace it with at least.

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